Saturday, October 29, 2011

Too High for Me? My Father to the Rescue!

On a rock too high for me to reach,
Set me on high,
O You Who have been my refuge,
my tower against the foe.

Psalm 61 
(Daytime Prayer, Saturday week II)

I love hitting this verse every four weeks. I immediately think of my Dad picking me up when I was little, helping me to sit in a tree branch , on top of a wall, or a rock that I could not manage by myself. And, once there on that (to me) incredible height, holding me steady so I would not fall off. Or, as in this picture, sitting me on his shoulders.

Next, one thinks of the Church. All of us are set on that high, invincible rock, Peter, on whom we can rest secure that what we believe is no passing philosophical fad or fashion. Although the mind of man desires, seeks, and to some degree can find Truth, there comes a point where it can go no further. It's too high for us to reach, so our Father picks us up and sets us on high.