A few weeks ago I had an email from a nice lady named Alyssa Lehman, of Walton, Kentucky. She has a home business making custom covers for missals, breviaries, and Bibles. She asked whether I'd like a free sample of her work, inviting me to send her the measurements of my breviary, and to go to her "Missal Cover Shop" website to choose a color and a design. Her hope was that I'd be pleased enough with the results to do a review here at Coffee&Canticles.
An offer to good to refuse, right?
Anyway, it came a few days ago:
It took me a long time to pick a design. You will see why when you look at the large selection of lovely embroidered Catholic symbols. I knew I wanted a cross, and there were several of these to choose from (plus lots of other designs). Finally I settled on this one.
The cover is made from a very sturdy imitation leather. It's fabric on the inner side--not just a sheet of soft vinyl.
my Te Deum leaflet and more holy cards of my favorite heavenly friends.
A zipper--great feature if I get in the habit of actually using it. Like for all those nights when I leave the breviary out on the front porch.This will protect it from unfortunate incidents involving dew or rain.
Space left for the ribbons to hang out.
Here it is open on my lap.
This would make a great gift for any breviary lover that you know. Keep in mind that Alyssa makes these one at a time, with great care. This is not something run up in a few minutes in an overseas factory. Therefore, if you do have Christmas gift giving (or receiving) in mind, act soon, okay?
The name of Alyssa's business, by the way, is Leah's Legacy.