Oh my! I usually do this on Wednesdy or at the latest, early on Thursday.
But this! Is that! Time of the year! A silver bow mistletoe time! as the prophet Andy Williams reminds us. So I actually made a non-virtual shopping trip today for the first time since Black Friday. With good results, I might add.
But since lots of my favorite bloggers are suddenly going all, "I'm taking a break from the internet in order to immerse myself in the Advent season" on us--by which they sound like they're off in a monastery while what they're doing is scoring Gold Box deals and making candy cane cookies--I guess I"m not doing too bad by just taking off one day.
So...how's it going with your Divine Office? Any questions, quibbles, concerns, or comments can be brought right here. Remember, there are no dumb questions. And very few dumb comments, with the exception of one from a spammer yesterday that suggested I need some new Office Furniture.
My comment: the Office of Readings' second reading for the Immaculate Conception was just out of this world.
Way to go, St. Anselm.
And a tip of the hat to The Curt Jester for designing and offering the lovely advent wreath widget on the right.