Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's News! Help Wanted!

O marvellous exchange! Man's creator has become man, born of a virgin. We have been made sharers in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity. (evening prayer I, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God)

We Catholics are so fortunate to begin our New Year with thoughts of the great Mother of God, and the mystery  of  Christ's two natures, which this title of Mary imply. 

So much better than using this day to fixate merely on dieting, exercise, home organization,financial goals and whatnot. 

Welcome, new blog follower Karee, and all new anonymous followers who have recently added Coffee&Canticles to their readers. Feel free to ask any questions about the Liturgy of the Hours at the end of any post. 

I've been asked to write a feature about the Liturgy of the Hours for a 2013 issue of Catholic Digest.  (For which I'm super grateful to editor Danielle Bean.)  Danielle suggested that the article include short quotes from ordinary Cathoilcs who pray the LOTH.  

That's where you come in. If you want to help and feel inspired, please add a comment below, answering one of the following "inerview" questions:
-Why do you like the Liturgy of the Hours? How has it improved your spiritual life?
-What is your favorite litrgical  hour and why? OR
-what is your favorite element (psalms, antiphons, readings, etc.) and why?
-how do you manage to fit the liturgical hours into your busy schedule? 
-any special advice or tips to those who are just starting out with the Liturgy of the Hours?

I need these quotes as soon as possible, so if you plan on commenting please do so in the next 36 hours. 

Unless you tell me otherwise, I will quote you using whatever first name you give me. If your username does not look like a normal first name, I will make something up.

Thank you in advance to everyone who participates. 

Watch for an upcoming blog giveaway. 
