Third Sunday of Advent! Here at the Sockey homestead, that means the outdoor Christmas lights all go on, and we can cut down and put up the tree whenever it's most convenient between now and next Sunday. We grow our own trees in the backyard so getting it won't be a big deal, but finding an evening when everyone is home to decorate is another story.
I was just thinking about how online shopping has certainly taken lots of the stress out of Christmas shopping. Far fewer trips into town, and no more struggles to package gifts for mailing and then heading out to the post office to mail them to recipients. It really is possible now to take time during advent to pray and reflect--time that we mothers simply did not have a dozen years ago.
The purpose of this post is to share some ideas for Liturgy of the Hours-related gifts. Items that a breviary beginner might appreciate, or things that might enrich those who have been praying the psalms for years. I'll list a few here and would like the rest of you to chime in with your own finds (or wish list) in the comments section.
The Everyday Catholic's Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours
The Mundelein Psalter
Hymnal for the Hours by Fr. Samuel Weber,editor. A comprehensive collection of the traditional Roman Breviary hymns for all of the hours for every day of the year, many saints' feasts, commons, and the holy seasons. All in English translation, all in Gregorian chant.
Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible
Praying the Psalms
Reflections on the Psalms by C. S. Lewis. You can't go wrong with this author.
Custom made breviary covers I've mentioned this wonderful cottage industry a month or so ago. Send in the measurements of your breivary, pick out a color and embroidered design, and get back a beautiful zippered cover of heavy-duty imitation leather
Singing In The Reign
Okay. Send me your suggestions and include links if you can.