Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lenten Cooking here I come!

Lenten Cooking Here I come!
This year I will not be glum!
I'm gonna, have fun-na
Planning some meals,
with tofu, and pasta
good-bye to Happy Meals, but
All my children know the drill
that's why they'll just have to chill,
bug off, not complain until
Lenten Cooking days are done!

I hope to go through my mess of cookbooks and magazine clippings tomorrow to plan lenten menus of meatless recipes to use for every single day this lent. (With an occasional "flavored with meat" dish when we get really desperate). My work is cut out for me since, as you see, I do not have a highly organized collection. Don't let the recipe box fool you either--it is stuffed with cards and clippings in no particular order. The tabbed category cards are still segregated in the back of the box.

For the curious--yes, it's a stuffed brown frog, a souvenir from Puerto Rico, whose national (territorial?) sympbol is a much tinier brown frog that is heard  singing every night of the year.

Part of me would like to just stuff the whole mess in a box to free up counter space, and simply rely on the incredible lenten recipe collection  that Celeste Behe will soon be posting on her blog, A Perpetual Jubilee.
She calls her project 40 for 12 because these recipes are meant to serve 2 parents plus nine kids, including goodly amount of teenagers. Since my own nest is  somewhat diminished, I'm counting on having lots of nice leftovers or freezables.  Celeste also promises shopping lists to make out lenten lives a little less time consuming. All that list writing time can now be devoted to prayer and good works!

And unless Celeste, queen of the kitchen that she is, also has advice for recipe orgnization, I do think this stuff  on the counter is going on vacation for the next seven weeks.