I almost forgot that today is the feast of St. Brigid of Ireland, since she's not on the universal calendar. Here is a short salute to a grand Irish saint:
sent our oldest daughter to a Catholic university known for it's
faithfulness to Church teaching and zeal for Catholic practice. We
wanted her education to support the careful upbringing she had
received at home, you see. And were willing to shell out the big
bucks to do so.
would from time time share with us the fruits of her education. She
was exceptionally enthusiastic to share the following meditation on
heaven by St. Brigid of Ireland.
I should like a great lake of beer for the King of Kings.
I should
like the angels of Heaven to be drinking it through time eternal.
I should like excellent meats of belief and pure piety.
I should like the men of Heaven at my house.
I should like barrels of peace at their disposal.
I should like for them cellars of mercy.
I should like cheerfulness to be their drinking.
I should like Jesus to be there among them.
I should like the three Marys of illustrious renown to be with us.
I should like the people of Heaven, the poor, to be gathered around from all parts.
I should like excellent meats of belief and pure piety.
I should like the men of Heaven at my house.
I should like barrels of peace at their disposal.
I should like for them cellars of mercy.
I should like cheerfulness to be their drinking.
I should like Jesus to be there among them.
I should like the three Marys of illustrious renown to be with us.
I should like the people of Heaven, the poor, to be gathered around from all parts.
Somehow I was not surprised at my girl's enthusiasm and
newfound devotion to St.Brigid. The college student, however pious,
ever looks for the next excuse to indulge in alcohol. Thus it shall
ever be.
I was taken aback at first by St. Brigid. Chalk it up
to a clash of cultures. Part of my Polish-American upbringing had
included a polka tune with this memorable lyric:
In heaven there is no beer,
that's why we drink it here.
And when we're gone from here,
Our friends will be drinking all our beer.
Although I remain fiercely proud of my ethnic heritage, I believe I will indulge in a little diversity in the next world, and escorted by my ¼ Irish husband, will drop in at St. Brigid's place regularly.
Bless us Lord, as we take
joy in the good things you have given us, which lighten our hearts.
Keep us far from drunkenness, gluttony, and greed, but rather, as we
lift a toast, help us anticipate the eternal banquet where we will
drink in the beauty of your unveiled presence.