Monday, April 9, 2012

A week of Easters

Every day in the octave of Easter is, liturgically speaking, Easter all over again. At each day's mass you'll say the Gloria and the Creed.

Each day's Liturgy of the Hours is that of Easter Sunday. If you say Morning Prayer every day this week you'll find yourself well on the way to having memorized the psalmody of Sunday week I, which comes in handy, let me tell you.

If you are among the happy minority of Catholics who observes Friday as a day of penance throughout the year, either by abstaining from meat or making some other sacrifice,there's no need to do it this Friday, because this Friday is Easter again.

I hope you are all having a blessed Easter, hearts leaping with each lovely antiphon that speaks of our dear Lord's resurrection, as you pray the Hours.  I'm going to be somewhat absent this week due to a "Catholic fiction for Summer Reading" article that is due this week.

This is the day the Lord has made.