Coffee and Canticles went live on February 1 of 2011, and today February 11th, is the anniversary of the day I quit my unloved day job, making it possible to spend hours every week thinking and writing about the Liturgy of the Hours. Two lovely, lovely years.
All this business about the Pope almost put that anniversary out of my mind. But not quite.
To celebrate my Blogiversary, and to spread around some good spiritual reading at the start of lent, I'm hosting a giveaway of many fine Catholic books.
This week's prizes are:
Knowing God by Frank Sheed (Ignatius Press)
40 Day Spiritual Workout for Catholics by Bob Rice (Servant)
Lent and Easter Wisdom from St.Vincent dePaul (Ligouri)
Night Prayerbook - Compline (Sacros Press) This is a gorgeously designed book for Night Prayer only. A great way to introduce someone to the Liturgy of the Hours, or to get family members to pray with you.
Please look up these titles on Amazon if you want to learn about them.
How to win? Just enter a comment below (e.g. "I want to win!" ) Please include what title you would prefer should your name be chosen (although I can't guarantee you'll get that one if a previous winner picked it first). Entrants named "Anonymous" must include some sort of name in the comment so I know which Anonymous is the winner. ALSO, if you are not a regular follower of this blog, please include a method by which I may contact you should you win. Every time I do a giveaway, there is always at least one winner who does not check back to see the post announcing the winner's names, and thus misses out on the prize.
Winners will be picked at random a week from today.