1. It's week 4 of Lent and I am still managing to do meatless dinners Monday thru Friday. This is the kids' success, too, since they are not complaining. A Perpetual Jubilee was a big help in supplying lots of great new ideas for meatless meals.
2. I got out of my introverted comfort zone--to approach my pastor and DRE about starting a women's bible study. They both said yes, and showed me a nice, comfortably furnished room in the former convent that could be used. I wrote up an announcement for the Church bulletin to assess interest. I'm researching materials to find something that is a. interesting b. faithful to Church doctrine and c. not too expensive.
3. Inspired by Jen Fulwiler's talk on "Letting Go of Fear" at the Faith&Family Mom's Day Out, I took a few baby steps toward starting to write a book. Got the table of contents nailed!