It's time for our weekly question feature. If you have any question about the Divine Office, this is the place to ask. Would you like to know more about postures to use (rubrics) when you pray it in community? Are you wishing to do more on a favorite saint's day than just that little prayer in the proper of saints? Do you wonder about those older terms for the hours (prime, terce, sext, none, etc) and how they relate to what we pray nowadays? Is there a particular psalm that you are having a hard time making sense of? Just stick your question or problem in a comment box. I'll do my best, and, while I'm on the topic, I also invite the more experienced ribbon-flippers out there (you know who you are) to add their own knowledge in the comments as well.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Psalter un-Psertainty
It's time for our weekly question feature. If you have any question about the Divine Office, this is the place to ask. Would you like to know more about postures to use (rubrics) when you pray it in community? Are you wishing to do more on a favorite saint's day than just that little prayer in the proper of saints? Do you wonder about those older terms for the hours (prime, terce, sext, none, etc) and how they relate to what we pray nowadays? Is there a particular psalm that you are having a hard time making sense of? Just stick your question or problem in a comment box. I'll do my best, and, while I'm on the topic, I also invite the more experienced ribbon-flippers out there (you know who you are) to add their own knowledge in the comments as well.